Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Art of Faces Review

These are some acrylic paintings by my Art of Faces Class, which they made after looking at portraits by Freda Kahlo and Rita Angus.

With another term over (at least for me) I wanted to share yet more amazing art the children in my class did this term. We were focusing on portraiture, and I was specifically aiming to introduce them to as many different mediums and art styles as we could fit in - and have a lot of fun. 

Wednesday, 10 September 2014


There must be, I feel, some awesome philosophical point being demonstrated by this tree. Just think, it started life as a tree, became paper, and is now, once again, a tree – this time with added words. I actually made this last year, to prove a different sort of point. On telling my art class we would be making papier-mâché bowls, I was informed that ‘papier-mâché’s boring’. This tree was my response. I have since had a lot of questions about its construction, so this post endeavours to illustrate just how it was made.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Puzzles Take Two

I said months ago I’d do a post of my larger puzzle magnets – then I realised I’d completely forgotten to photograph then, and many are now out in the world decorating other people’s fridges. I have since made more, and some I’ve even managed to get photos of. All the puzzle pieces are wood, backed with magnet tape and decorated with my marbling and quilling. I cover them in varnish so they're somewhat protected from the hazards of fridge living.
I've made a lot of flower magnets

I think of these as pohutakawa

Cherries are great decoration for a fridge

 My favourite design is the penguins, but even though I’ve made a bunch of them I have hardly any good photos. I’ve yet to hang on to one for more than a week at a time, except this particular one. I suspect he’ll head off to another penguin lovers fridge soon enough, as he’s one of my favourites.