Monday, 7 April 2014

Puzzle flowers

 Once upon a time (very recently) this rather nice puzzle was absentmindedly left half done in the sun. The predictable fading left its picture rather unsatisfactory, but the pieces themselves are still well made. I have rolls of magnetic tape stashed away and thought ‘fridge magnets’! 

I always have bits of my marbled paper floating about, and enjoy finding new uses for my quilled daisies. Put all that together, coat in polymer and get a little piece of art to brighten a fridge/magnetised wall. Or anything you use magnets for, I guess. I’ve made quite a few of them.

I've also got my hands on a currently unsatisfactory wooden puzzle, which is turning into some even cooler fridge magnets. They still need finishing, so no photos yet. They will all be viewable (and for sale) at the Eastbourne Market in Days Bay's Williams Park this Sunday. Come along, it should be a great day.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Daisies Galore

It has been days of daisies round here -  three days, to be precise. Every six months or so I notice my stock of quilled daisies getting low, and devote all of my craft time for a few days to mass daisy production. Here is what one hundred new made daisies looks like.

Next post I’ll show you some of the things I use them for.